

Acquacotta is one of the typical dishes of Maremma.</span >

It is a soup that contains various vegetables mainly beets, tomatoes and carrots, accompanied with toasted croutons and a poached egg.

A dish very similar to Ribollita, the typical Tuscan vegetable soup, which in the past was often served on tables of the peasants, a poor but very tasty dish.

Initially it included very few elements, but over time it has been enriched and enhanced, until it became one of the typical Maremma dishes.


Acquacotta typical dish of Tuscany

At the base of the soup is Tuscan bread, extra virgin olive oil, salt, eggs and Roman pecorino.

Finding the original recipe is almost impossible, those who worked in the countryside, or were away from home for days, yes he carried with him a piece of bread, some eggs, oil and salt. When it was time to eat, he put a bunch of vegetables he had found in the fields at the moment, and the one he had brought with him, into the water.

Often this dish was also cooked by mothers who had to feed their children, improvising with vegetables in the garden behind home.

Vegetables and other ingredients therefore, not they have never been fixed, and still change from season to season and from place to place.