Capalbio Fair

Capalbio Fair

31 March 2018 – 2 April 2018, Capalbio (GR)

The Country place of Made in Italy

Capalbio, medieval village of the Maremma, located in the extreme south of the territory, not far from the border with Lazio, hosts: CAPALBIO FAIR.

The now customary Easter appointment, after the great success of previous editions, is now appreciated nationwide. The one in 2018 is the fourth edition. Revisited and returned to the hands of its creator, it leaves room for the great Maremma traditions without neglecting the country spirit.
The 2018 edition will feature night shows, new stands and traditional Maremma products.

There will be country shows, street food and exhibition stands of curiosities and craftsmanship. Great news this year will be able to discover Capalbio with guided tours that will offer a series of routes (eno-gastronomic, scenic and historical) designed ad hoc by the local administration in collaboration with NannoniBus, with the local wineries, with the Sentiero di Capalbio group and with the tourist guides of the Orme.

Also present a path for Agility Dog and dog show with demonstrations of Pet Therapy. In addition, the Indian Village as in the Far West and many games and entertainment for children.

Consult the program on the official website: