The Orbetello Lagoon

The Orbetello Lagoon

The Orbetello lagoon is a coastal lagoon in Tuscany, in the Grosseto Maremma. Its extension is about 27 km². The average depth is about one meter, the maximum does not exceed 2 m.

It is separated from the sea to the west and east by two strips of land about 6 km long (the sandy Tomboli of Giannella to the NW and Feniglia to the SE) and to the west by the promontory of the Argentario. A third isthmic tongue of land stretches out in the center of the lagoon and on it rises the urban center of Orbetello. An artificial bridge (the Leopoldiana dam) connects Orbetello to Monte Argentario and divides the lagoon into two parts, the Ponente lagoon and the Levante lagoon.

It communicates with the sea by means of three artificial canals: the Fibbia canal (or Saline) near the mouth of the Albegna river and the Nassa canal< /em> (in Santa Liberata), both on the Tombolo di Giannella and the canal of Ansedonia on the tombolo di Feniglia. A fourth canal, the Pertuso canal, was planned and excavation works were also begun, which however were never completed.

Protected natural areas
Due to the scarce supply of water from the sea and the introduction of discharges rich in nitrates and potassium salts from agricultural crops (which have led to the proliferation of algae and the consequent depletion of oxygen), the Orbetello lagoon is a high risk environment. To allow its protection, numerous legal provisions have been issued and the institution of the Commissioner of the Orbetello Lagoon has been set up. Part of the Ponente lagoon is protected in the WWF Oasis of the Orbetello di Ponente Lagoon Nature Reserve and the Patanella wood. The Orbetello Lagoon Nature Reserve, managed by the Province of Grosseto and the “Orbetello Lagoon” special protection area (SPA) also insist on the area.

The lagoon is a wetland of international importance according to the Ramsar Convention. In it many species of birds nest or pass through, among which we remember the knight of Italy, the pink flamingo, the great white heron, the osprey, the spoonbill, the avocet, the cormorant and various species of ducks .

History and Economy
In the past, the economy of Orbetello was based on theexploitation of the Orbetello lagoon and on fishing. This activity, which was once handed down from father to son in fishermen’s families, is managed by a joint stock company which employs just under one hundred employees. The waters of the lagoon are rich in precious fish such as sea bass, sea bream, mullet and eels. Once upon a time, shrimp and molluscs were also caught. The fish is processed locally or sold in many markets in Italy and abroad. Valuable is the production of mullet roe and the preparation of smoked eels, smoked eels with the addition of spices and chilli peppers, which are undoubtedly the typical dish of the local cuisine.