WWF Oasis Orbetello Lagoon

WWF Oasis Orbetello Lagoon

Historic WWF oasis in Tuscany: natural habitat of various migratory species

The WWF oasis Orbetello Lagoon is one of the most important protected areas in the Maremma, as well as one of the first WWF oases in Italy. The park covers about 1,000 hectares: it includes most of the local lagoon and the coastal strip of the Tombolo della Giannella.

The Orbetello Lagoon is included between Monte Argentario, the mainland and two thin strips of sand and earth. Which are precisely the Tombolo della Giannella and the Tombolo della Feniglia. It is superfluous to underline how the panorama of the lagoon is suggestive and unique in its kind. Orbetello is located right in its center, a focal point of the entire Maremma coast.
The city, in fact, divides the lagoon into two almost identical pools of water. The western area is the one protected by the WWF.

Flora and Fauna of  WWF Oasis Orbetello Lagoon

Every year, the lagoon welcomes thousands of migratory birds, including the cormorant, the herons, the flamingo, the osprey, the ibis and many others.It is a true paradise for birdwatchers and nature lovers. Visitors can move freely between the Mediterranean scrub and the marshy environments admiring an extraordinary variety of habitats and animal species.

oasi wwf laguna di orbetello

Visitors Centre of WWF Oasis Orbetello Lagoon

The main visitor center of the oasis is Casale Giannella, an ancient 16th century fortress that has been renovated and opened to the public. The center, located on the Tombolo della Giannella, deals mainly with environmental education, promotion and enhancement of the protected area. It also carries out several studies on the species present and deals with the care and maintenance of the whole area.

Visitors can refer to the center to receive information on the animal species present: how and when to spot them.

Visit the WWF Oasis Orbetello Lagoon

Inside the WWF Oasis Lagoon of Orbetello there are three itineraries:

  • Ornithological path – about 1.2 km and open from September to April
  • Path of the Wood of Patanella – about 1km and open all year. There is a botanical path.
  • Hiking trail – about 3 km and open all year round.

Along these paths there are several birdwatching stations and educational panels.

To consult the complete profile of the oasis, visit the official website: www.wwf.it/oasi/toscana/laguna_di_orbetello

oasi wwf laguna di orbetello