They so loved Rasenna called the Etruscans were a people of many skills. Their origins are still debated, and since the time of Herodotus opinions were different.
The same historical Greek claimed that came from the regions of Asia Minor, while others as Dionysius of Halicarnassus raised their roots in itself.
The latest case argue that the problem is the origins, as it must base the birth of this nation based not on places but on some migratory movements, appropriately according to the expert Massimo Pallottino, the Etruscan people may have formed by of the two peoples.
Another point is the obscure their language of which we have only very few written feedback. It seems that people prefer Etruscan pass all that concerned their cultural aspects orally.
The few songs that archaeologists have been able to translate, so the texts engraved on epiteti and consequently have reduced range of vocabulary.
Despite all these assumptions, the more established theory argues that the origins of the Etruscans be sought in Greece, in fact their language seems to be a deformation of alphabet Greek.
The Etruscans are remembered as a people of great builders, their skills in architecture is well known, were also dedicated to crafts precious (created wonderful gold), the creation of objects (earthenware vases and ceramics), which is well known buccheri are from the typical black.
Their reputation for merchants expanded rapidly from the Egyptian coast to Spain not by chance were called by the Greeks "pirates tirreni" because of their ability to navigate and beyond.
The testimonies of exports of products dell'Etruria throughout the Mediterranean, are documented by numerous artefacts found in all the coasts of the "mare nostrum". In particular became very strong export of wine that made these people earn a good reputation in other cultures.
They were also dedicated to the export of metals (iron and bronze), and manufactures terracotta and ceramic. From neighbours imported precious metals, raw state as amber, gold, and silver.
L 'Etruscan man was a believer and how much almost all the religions of pre-term, their religion was a polytheist. Priests who were often also the heads of the community, professed to fertility rites of the earth, or to ensure that their deaths a life beyond the earth. Very special was the practice dell'auruspicina, divination through the bowels, (especially the liver), animals, as well as the study of the flight of birds which was attributed to the ability to know the future.
A legend that it more resembles a terrible prophecy, tells us that the Etruscan people were sentenced from the outset to know the time when it would be revoked around the fifth century BC Precisely because they were led to a city which consequently would have destroyed them (Rome).

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The Etruscans